Gambling has a deep root to human civilization. A handful of people have earned a large fortune; for others, it is a lucrative pursuit and, for lesser, a bonafide profession. You will find many have become famous gambler; some are intelligent scientist, emperors, musicians and farmers. They have touched the apex fame in gambling for their wit, skill and, of course, lady luck. When you read the pages of gambling history, the famous gambler names could stump you.
Emperor Claudius
Romans were notoriously famous for gambling, but no one is close to Emperor Claudius when it comes to wagering. He was more interested in drinking, merrymaking and gambling than administrating the empire. Some historians say he was an obsessed gambler, even had a wagon with collapse resistant gambling table. Nevertheless, Emperor Claudius was a man with an immense passion for gambling, organizing various chariot race and gladiator duels. He not only organized those events but also presided.
King Henry VIII
King Henry VIII is often referred to as the number Uno gambler of Great Britain. His favorite casino games were Betting Queek (chess-like game) and Table (older version of Backgammon). When King Henry VIII was coroneted, people celebrated it by playing a three-card game known as Bragg. Many players believe poker was derived from this card game. He also loved to play Fox and Geese, a checker based game.
He was a famous gambler in his own right and time. Fun and money were the reasons for his gambling in consequence; he amassed a debt of Pound 3,250, a huge sum at that time. The king played a dice game, and the stake was amazing, the Jesus bell of St. Paul Church!! Over a single roll of dice, the king lost the bell. The winner of the bet was Sir Miles Partridge, but the nobleman was hung charged with sedition. King Henry ordered the execution; the hanging was public at Tower Hill so that every citizen can watch. King Henry debarred public gambling; it was his royal pastime, only the London bookmakers were allowed, as they carry out his gambling pursuit.
King Charles II
King Charles II is another famous gambler in history. He reinforced the English monarchy in 1660. He was not a reckless gambler but took a calculated risk. His biggest lifetime bet was an alliance with Louis XIV after the French invasion. This treaty proved to be disastrous; it devastated his political credibility. But do not play like these monarchs; install the pussy888 download app on your mobile and wager with precautions.